BELAFIT (registered)
Current mood:
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
About Belafit & More!
Hello! Would you like to start a new hobbie in the new year ? Try Belly Dance Fitness for Weight Loss or For Fun! In your home, at a private party or corporate event. Belafit will cater for your every need. Hen nights, Stag nights, Divorce parties, Birthdays, any celebration or festival.
Belly Dancing or Oriental Dance is a great way to shake into shape using a mix of Aerobics with Belly Dancing Moves!
You will learn how to head roll ( safely!) , how to prepare your
body for undulations, muscle isolation, and veil work using the 3
principles of exercise; stretching, strength and cardio fitness.
Try this out and you will soon notice the difference not only physically but mentally! Engage your brain, your body and your soul to open the door into your very own self.